Places for Information Technology Professionals to moonlight!

Looking to pick up some supplemental income?  Then here are a few places you should try out.

ONFORCE, is one site I have used extensively. You sign up and submit your skill set and location. They will send you text messages when jobs are available in your area. You can bid on the jobs, and accept the ones you want. After you finish the work, you fill out a job log and then Onforce forwards your money (minus a 10% finders fee) to your checking or savings account. Most of the jobs are Information Technology Infrastructure related, although there are some point-of-sale, TV, and enterprise class printer jobs as well. They have a relationship with Dell and HP to assist workers with certifications (I have a separate post about that in the Training and Certifications section). They use a 6 point rating system to weed out the bad techs, as well as the bad work providers. You can even get a background check put in your profile for a nominal fee.

I’ve had a very positive experience with Onforce! Check out my profile here and here!

ODESK is practically a clone of  ONFORCE.  I have not used this site, but it came recommended to me from a reliable source, so I’ll include it in this post.

Finally there’s ELANCE.  Elance is geared primarily for coders, and web development people.  Again, I haven’t used this site but it come highly recommend.  If coding is your thing be sure to check it out!

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